Coucou ☕️🇫🇷🥐 I'm Amélie Laurent and this is my French newsletter, where I supercharge your progress from A2 to B2 through colloquial dialogues.
The premium 💎 French with Amélie experience includes Audio Recordings, Explanatory Notes, Exercises, Community Membership, and access to the full archive. It’s a riot. You should join.
Bonjour à tous et à toutes ! 👋 Nous voici à une nouvelle édition de Français avec Amélie!
On avance étape par étape, mais on avance!
One step at a time, but we're making progress!
🇺🇸🇬🇧 My colloquial conversational dialogues help you learn authentic French in context. They’re how real French people actually speak. If you have any questions or concerns - comment below or simply reply to this email. ✌🏻
🇫🇷 Je suis convaincue que cette newsletter sera une source d'inspiration pour vous dans votre parcours d'apprentissage.Que vous soyez débutant ou avancé, j'espère que cette newsletter vous permettra de découvrir de nouveaux aspects de la langue française, d'améliorer vos compétences et de mieux comprendre la culture francophone.
Gros Bisous! A x
Liens du jour 💫
*Rest assured these aren’t any old links but real quality content to help you make progress in every area. Pick and choose as you see fit. They'‘ll often match today’s topic - feel the thrill of recognising vocabulary!
Quick IG Reel 🎞️ French people trying to pronounce English words → 😂
If you want to feel better about your French pronunciation—and, let’s be honest.. who doesn’t—this is the perfect video. Do you judge these French people for butchering ‘hedgehog’? No, of course not! Maybe your mistakes don’t sound so bad either!
Quick song 🎶 Amir - J'ai cherché →
Get some French stuck in your head. Lyric video (use this if your beginner/intermediate)
Tool 🔧 : French Sounds →
A delightful YouTube channel that focuses on teaching French pronunciation/sounds. I recommend taking a look at the nasal vowels. I use Cheryl with my own students. I have them watch her guides over and over. 🙈
Today’s Writing Prompt ✍️ Qui est la dernière personne que t’as appelé ?
All answers are welcome. One word.. or one sentence.
Write me your answer in the comments. 👇🏼
*It seems only paid subscribers can comment! I literally can’t change this on Substack and I’m mad because I love reading your comments 😖 If you were thinking of the free trial do it just so you can write me replies please!
⏪ Catch Up On Recent Dialogues
Une Façon d'Utiliser le Dialogue d'Aujourd'hui
🎙️ Record yourself reading the dialogue out loud, then listen to it back.
You can repeat this x2-3 times. You will be surprised at how you can self-correct your accent and intonation, and how you will become aware of where you need to study!
Check out my quick guide🔗 for different ways you can learn with these dialogues. Perfect if you’re finding them too easy or too hard. 🙌🏻
🤳🏼 Share a photo
Summer is in the rearview mirror now. But if you’ve visited France and can share a photo with the community please do! It’s so wonderful to see them. Maybe some of you have been at the rugby world cup?✨
Votre invitation à Paris
Qui est la dernière personne que t’as appelé ? 📞
Today’s dialogue is a really good representation of how actual conversations go, often filled with colloquial phrases and nuance, and unexpected turns.
It’s a great reminder that you never know what direction a conversation might go in.. at work, with friends, or even with a language tutor—you’d really be surprised!
It’s part of what makes these lessons so unique and helpful - they allow you to study these nuances and tricky parts of French at leisure and with all the tools you need to succeed!
𝔻𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕘𝕖𝕥 𝕥𝕠 ♡ 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕠𝕟 𝕊𝕦𝕓𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕔𝕜👇
Dialogue du Jour
Rayan : Ambre, qui est la dernière personne que tu as appelée ?
— A, who was the last person you called?
Ambre : Mon frère, je déconne ✪ pas, on a eu une sacrée prise de bec ✪!
— My brother, I'm not kidding, we had a hell of a spat!
Rayan : Ah bon, une dispute ? C'est rare entre vous deux, non ?
— Really, a row? That's rare between you two, isn't it?
Ambre : Oui, en effet. Mais, cette fois, il m'a tellement énervée que j'ai dû lui clouer le bec ✪.
— Yes, it is. But this time he made me so angry that I had to shut him up.
Rayan : Ah, c'est sérieux alors ! Que s'est-il passé ?
— Oh, that's serious then! So what happened?
Ambre : Il m'a accusée de quelque chose que je n'ai pas fait. J'étais tellement en colère que j'ai commencé à bégayer ✪ au téléphone !
— He accused me of something I didn't do. I was so angry I started stuttering on the phone!
Rayan : Oh, je vois. C'est toujours délicat quand cela arrive. Tu penses que vous allez pouvoir arranger les choses ?
— Oh, I see. It's always tricky when that happens. Do you think you'll be able to put things right?
Ambre : J'espère bien. J'ai essayé de lui tendre une perche ✪ pour qu'on puisse discuter calmement, mais il a raccroché ✪.
— I hope so. I tried to give him an olive branch so that we could talk calmly, but he hung up.
Rayan : Ne t'inquiète pas. Donne-lui un peu de temps pour se calmer. Il finira par réaliser qu'il a été trop loin.
— Don't worry. Give him a bit of time to calm down. He'll eventually realise he's gone too far.
Ambre : Oui, t’as probablement raison. Ok merci. Et toi, qui est la dernière personne que tu as appelée ?
— Yes, you're probably right. OK, thanks. And who was the last person you called?
Rayan : Ma mère, pour lui dire que je rentrais tard ce soir. Rien de plus passionnant que ça !
— My mum, to tell her I'd be home late tonight. Nothing more exciting than that!
Ambre : Oh, ça a l'air beaucoup plus paisible !
— Oh, that sounds much more peaceful!
Rayan : Oui, je préfère les conversations paisibles, surtout avec ma mère.
— Yes, I prefer quiet conversations, especially with my mother.
✪ Notes
je déconne ✨= je plaisante = I’m kidding / joking / messing around. sans déconner = sérieusement = no kidding.
une prise de bec = argument/spat/squabble “Il y a souvent des prises de becs entre les deux”
clouer le bec à = faire taire = to shut (someone) up. “Fais le maximum pour lui clouer le bec” (Anything you can do to shut her up).